Blog: Social networking sites

With the emergence of social networking, people, including myself, frequent such sites multiple times throughout a day. This post will go in depth into why that could be the case, and the value that these sites provide for everyday life.
The four sites that I will compare and discuss are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Examining Facebook first of all, we all know to be the epicenter of social networking. It is the site that everyone recognizes and is mostly used to connect with people. My first impression of the site, is that it does a great job balancing the social networking aspect of having your own profile, with interactive posts with friends through tagging them as well as commenting on their pages. It also has a variety of content that people post to the site that gets liked or shared by others, making the site multidimensional and not just a site for connecting with others to message. It creates value through being a universal in connecting people through easy searches of their profile! That, in combination with the content, whether creative or general news, attracts people to the site.

As for Twitter, it is a social networking site that has a different format and approach than Facebook. Twitter allows users to tweet messages constantly, where it amasses comments, likes, shares, and followings. As you follow users, you are tied in with another person's constant tweets, essentially, creating a community or open ended conversation. My impression of Twitter is that is it more of an open forum for users to start conversations, or be expressive in their thoughts through words. It helps people find like minded people as well as being on top of news and trends through various tweets.

YouTube is another social networking site that differs from all the previous mentioned. It is a video uploading site filled with content from users vlogging about their daily life, to artists posting music videos. This site connects people through watching other's videos and commenting, liking, and subscribing. It becomes a very social interactive space of being able to follow content, comment and interact with the content creator, and upload videos yourself. It is very useful to see videos and the person behind the screen rather than text, and I think that is YouTube's charm as a social networking site.

LinkedIn is another social networking site that we, as college students (especially if you're a business major), use frequently. A site that can be compared to Facebook, except for professional, career wise, networking, it does a great job in connecting people. With your own personal profile, you can reach out to other's based on a similar school, region, workplace, or hobbies and interests, through messages to connect and become acquainted with the help of the site. It is very niche which is helpful in narrowing the objective of the people who use the site, and I think it's a great resource for anyone looking to build their professional network!

Overall, all of these four social networking sites, have the general idea of connecting one another with each other through videos, tweets, posts, or messages. With each individual site having their own special twist, it differentiates the content as well as the people using the sites. I think all of the sites are very helpful in my everyday life and I highly recommend them all to anyone looking to get into social networking!
